Report: Research Report on Obstetric Violence: Childbirth experience in Romanian hospitals
Report: Leaving No One Behind? A Gender and SRHR Perspective on the UNECE 2025 SDG Assessment
Report: Reproductive justice and access to abortion in the Czech Republic
Advocacy Publication by Center for Reproductive Rights: Pathways to Change: Building Stronger Legal Guarantees for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
FEDERA’s annual report (incl. ASTRA Network activities): download here
SRHR and COVID-19 in Eastern Europe – snapshots from the region
Report – The fight hidden in plain sight
Access to Safe and Legal Abortion – a European perspective
European SRHR Civil Society input to High Level Political Forum 2016
Post 2015 Women’s Coalition brief on Cental and Eastern Europe
EveryONE, ALWAYS, EveryWHERE. The European SRHR Community’s position on the post-2015 agenda
ASTRA Factsheet on the status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in CEE region
ASTRA Youth Factsheet: Adolescent and Young People SRHR agenda in Central and Eastern Europe
Central and Eastern Europe Health Consultation Report
- Legal commitments to gender equality and SRHR issues in Albania, Macedonia, Georgia, Poland and Ukraine. Report 2009
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europe. Report to the European Union (2006)
- Closing the Gap on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Enlarged European Union – report 2005
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the European Union (EU) Present status and potential directions for advancement – report 2004
- Reproductive Health Supplies 2008 Report. Reproductive Health in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Equality: Fundamentals of Demography Policies in Europe, 2007
- Sexuality Education in Europe / Annex, 2007
- Reproductive Health Supplies in the Central and Eastern Europe – report 2007
- Youth’s Voice. Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan Countries – 2006
- Reproductive Health and Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. Country Reports 2004. Prepared for the European Population Forum. Geneva, January 12-14, 2004:
- Armenia
- Belarus
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Georgia
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Ukraine
- Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health in Central and Eastern Europe – report 2002
- The Application of Human Rights to Reproductive and Sexual Health: a Compilation of the Work of the European Human Rights System, March 2002
Advocate’s Tools:
- SRHR and Demography
- Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- ASTRA Documentary “Breaking the Silence”
- Post Abortion Syndrome
- Trafficking in Persons
- Medical Abortion
- Why should Central and Eastern European Countries Ratify Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms? (2007)
- ASTRA Guide: How to use the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in matters of reproductive law: The case law of the European Court of Human Rights (2004)
Tables with data:
- Abortion laws in selected EU countries
- Sexuality education in several Eastern and Western EU countries
- Sterilization laws and government funding for family planning services in EU countries
- Reilly Anna Dempsey – Addressing Fertility Decline in the European Union Through Sexual and Reproductive Rights