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The Great Coalition for Equality and Choice joins forces in Poland


The Great Coalition for Equality and Choice, consisting of over 70 non-governmental organizations, was established as a reaction to the offensive of anti-women groups. Among them these threatening actions are regular draft regulations directly attacking the life and health of women, restricting access to emergency contraception, frightening doctors in their work places, the shocking anti-abortion campaigns, the fight against comprehensive sexuality education, as well as the systemic weakening of the protection of women against domestic violence. These actions call for active and organized resistance of the civil society and all actors.

The Coalition’s goal is the comprehensive fight for women’s human rights: quick threat identification, coordination of legal activities, and building social awareness. The group demand sexuality education, good standards of perinatal care, the fullness of reproductive rights, and the total elimination of violence against women. The coming weeks will shape the actions of the Coalition.

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