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Support the Estrela SRHR Report


This is the second time that the plenary assembly of the European Parliament will vote on the SRHR Report following the decision taken on October 22nd to revise the text. After revisions to adopt more consensual language drafted by the European Parliament’s FEMM Committee, the report remains highly progressive and, if approved, will redefine the European Parliament’s position on sexual and reproductive health and rights with major implications for European Union policy. Highlights of the report include:

  • a directive to the European Commission to ensure that European development cooperation adopts a strong and explicit focus on SRHR with tangible human rights based targets;
  • a call upon Member States to make abortion legal, safe, and accessible to all as a human rights imperative and to avoid clandestine abortions that seriously endanger women’s physical and mental health;
  • a call upon Member States to ensure sexuality education for all children and adolescents.


Please contact and urge your MEPs to act to ensure the European Parliament Assembly adopts the SRHR Report on the 10th of December. Full list of MEPs is available here. For your reference please use the briefing paper on the Estrela report which highlights the top 5 reasons for voting YES to this crucial report. The paper was prepared with the support of many SRHR organizations including CRR, DSW, EPF, IPPF EN, MSI and UNFPA

Twitter hashtags for the Estrela report are: #Estrelareport and #SRHReport

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