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Strengthening Partnerships and Expanding Opportunities: Astra’s Visit to Chișinău, Moldova


By Ewa Szymera, Astra Network Coordinator
Visit Dates: 17-20 September 2024

From 17-20 September 2024, I had the privilege of visiting Chișinău, Moldova, to meet with several key organizations and partners working in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The purpose of this trip was to strengthen existing relationships, explore new collaboration opportunities, and discuss future initiatives aimed at improving access to SRHR in Moldova. My meetings with organizations such as Genderdoc-M, the Society for Family Planning in Moldova (SPFM), and the Center for Innovation and Development in Sexual and Reproductive Health (CIDSR) yielded promising results, opening the door to impactful partnerships in the region.

Promising Collaborations with Local Partners

One of the highlights of my visit was the productive discussions with Genderdoc-M, Moldova’s leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization. Although not yet a formal member of the Astra Network, Genderdoc-M expressed keen interest in collaborating on SRHR projects, particularly those focusing on vulnerable LGBTQ+ communities. We identified areas for potential cooperation in gender-based violence prevention and support for LGBTQ+ youth. This partnership could be a significant step forward in advancing gender equality and reproductive rights in Moldova.

My meeting with SPFM, a longstanding Astra Network member, reaffirmed their commitment to expanding family planning and SRHR education. SPFM is eager to collaborate on regional projects and strengthen volunteer recruitment efforts. Our conversation centered on how Astra can support their advocacy initiatives and facilitate knowledge-sharing with other European partners. I left the meeting feeling optimistic about the possibilities for deeper engagement in promoting youth education on SRHR topics across the region.

At CIDSR, we explored innovative ways to address healthcare challenges in Moldova, especially in rural areas. A particularly exciting discussion revolved around the use of telemedicine for abortion services. CIDSR is at the forefront of this initiative, which could significantly improve access to safe abortion care in underserved communities. We also discussed their willingness to collaborate with Astra on joint research projects and share their expertise in operating health centers, which will be invaluable as Federa prepares to open its SRHR-focused health facility, Centrum Zdrowia, in Warsaw.

Challenges and Future Steps

While I was unable to meet with Y-Peer Moldova due to unforeseen circumstances, a virtual follow-up meeting is in the works to discuss how we can continue engaging Moldova’s youth in SRHR advocacy. Their peer-led education model presents a valuable opportunity for Astra to further support youth-driven initiatives.

Despite some logistical challenges, the visit highlighted several opportunities for Astra to deepen its impact in Moldova. Moving forward, we will focus on:

  • Strengthening relationships with organizations like Genderdoc-M and SPFM.
  • Supporting joint research initiatives with CIDSR, particularly on telemedicine for abortion services.
  • Expanding Astra’s regional reach by exploring partnerships in Turkmenistan.
  • Enhancing Astra’s visibility by publishing a donor list and creating downloadable advocacy templates for stakeholders.

Expanding Astra’s Reach and Visibility

An exciting suggestion that emerged from the meetings was to expand the Astra Network to include organizations from Turkmenistan, which would extend our influence in Central Asia and foster new collaborative efforts. In addition, our partners recommended that we publish a list of donors on the Astra website to increase transparency and recognition, as well as to create emergency advocacy templates that our stakeholders could use to highlight the urgency of SRHR issues.

Finally, we discussed producing a new promotional video showcasing Astra’s work and achievements. This would help raise awareness, attract new partners, and inspire more donors to support our SRHR initiatives across Europe and beyond.

Conclusion: Laying the Groundwork for the Future

My visit to Chișinău was highly productive, laying the foundation for future collaborations and allowing Astra to deepen its engagement in Moldova’s SRHR landscape. The commitment and passion of the organizations I met with were inspiring, and I am excited to see how these partnerships develop in the months ahead. While challenges remain, such as limited resources and capacity for LGBTQ+ advocacy, Astra is well-positioned to provide support and drive positive change in the region.

As we look to the future, I am confident that Astra will continue to expand its reach, supporting our partners and advocating for the fundamental right to sexual and reproductive health across Europe and Central Asia.

Stay tuned for more updates on our work in Moldova and upcoming initiatives!

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