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Reproductive rights activists counteract the “March for Life” in Croatia


Croatian’s Platform for women’s reproductive rights organized a series of actions in order to highlight the real intension of the so-called “March for life”

Zagreb, Croatia: Platform for women’s reproductive rights warns that the so-called “March for life” is a political gathering that has nothing to do with the preservation of life but has an agenda to restrict abortion accessibility and to make it illegal. In other words, to take away a women’s right to decide if she wants to, when and with whom to have children.

Activists that are defending women’s right to abortion have organised a series of actions along the route of the so-called “March for life” in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, as well on the buildings on the main square in which the “March for life” took place. All actions were organised in order to highlight the real intentions of the gatherings and warned that this is a walk on women and their rights.

With a transparent that said “March for life is attacking women” that was being carried in front of the “March for life”, non-violent sit-in action of women in front of the “March” that got them arrested, transparent “Church and the state in a war against women” and “March for life is attacking women” on two buildings that are facing the main square, the activists have sent out a message that they will not let women’s rights be eliminated.

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