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My Voice, My Choice: Uniting for Reproductive Rights in Europe


At My Voice, My Choice, we are a collective of friends, activists, and organizations dedicated to making Europe a better place for all. Our vision is a Europe that upholds equality, demands justice, and respects fundamental rights, including reproductive rights.

In Europe today, more than 20 million women still do not have access to safe and legal abortion. This harsh reality underscores the urgent need for change.

The Harsh Realities
  • In Poland: Women are dying due to restrictive abortion laws.
  • Financial Burden: Women suffer financially because abortion services are not free.
  • Access Issues: Women are forced to travel long distances or resort to unsafe alternatives due to the lack of providers.

These conditions are unacceptable and call for immediate action.

Our Call to Action

At My Voice, My Choice, we believe that together, we can transform this reality. By joining forces, we aim to:

  • Raise Awareness: Educate the public about the importance of reproductive rights and the current injustices faced by women across Europe.
  • Advocate for Change: Work with policymakers to ensure that reproductive rights are protected and upheld.
  • Support Affected Women: Provide resources and support to women who are struggling under the current restrictions.
How You Can Help

We invite everyone to join us in this crucial movement. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network to raise awareness.
  • Donate: Contribute to our cause to help fund our advocacy and support efforts.
  • Participate: Join our events and campaigns to show your support for reproductive rights.

The fight for reproductive rights is far from over, but together, we can make a difference. By uniting our voices, we can demand the justice and equality that every woman in Europe deserves.

Let’s work together to create a Europe that protects and respects the fundamental rights of all its citizens.

Join us. Speak out. Make your voice heard.

My Voice, My Choice – because together, we can change this.


ASTRA Network proudly supports the My Voice, My Choice initiative. For more information and to get involved, visit our website and follow us on social media. Together, we can create a future where every woman’s right to choose is respected and protected.

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