Ułatwienia dostępu

MPs from UK, Germany and Austria support Polish women


Members of the Austrian Parliament, Members of the Parliament of Germany and Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom expressed their concerns in regard to the draft law introducing a total ban on abortion in Poland and refer to the estimated number of terminated pregnancies at around 80 000 per year, and perhaps as much as 200 000 including illegal procedures and “abortion tourism”. They also name the case of Romania under the ruling of Nicolae Ceaușescu, who contributed to the death of more than 9 000 women in years 1965 – 1989 by introducing severe restrictions to the law on abortion.

Members of Parliament from UK, Germany and Asutria call on the Marshall of the Polish Sejm to reject this anti-women initiative, abandon the plans to end state fudning of IVF and keep emergency contraception to be available over the counter.

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