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Central and Eastern Europe Health Consultation, 26th-27th January 2013, Moscow


ASTRA Network in partnership with Eastern European Alliance for Reproductive Choice was selected by the World Health Organization to take forward a Central and Eastern Europe Health Consultation in the post-2015, as a part of a global consultation process. The meeting will take place from 26th to 27th January 2013 in Moscow, Russian Federation. 20 experts from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia will meet to contribute to shaping post-2015 development framework in order to improve health status in the region, especially in terms of sexual and reproductive health. We will discuss and develop a shared understanding among representatives of CSOs and regional stakeholders on the positioning of health in the post 2015 development framework; propose health goals and related targets and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda, as well as approaches for implementation, measurement and monitoring that will reflect specific regional situation regarding uneven progress towards universal access to health in order to ensure that the post-2015 framework will be empowering for women by providing them with access to health.

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