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ASTRA letter to the new Chair of FEMM Committee


ASTRA sent letter to the recently elected new Chair of the European Parliament Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committe (FEMM) – Ms Vilijia Blinkeviciute (S&D) from Lithuania. She will chair the FEMM Committee for the next two and a half years.

Four vice-chairs were also elected, together with the chair they will form the new FEMM bureau.The four vice-chairs elected are as follows:
– 1st vice-chair Barbara MATERA (EPP, IT)
Р2nd vice-chair Jọo PIMENTA LOPES (GUE, PT)
– 3rd vice-chair Mary HONEYBALL (S&D, U.K)
– 4th vice-chair Jana ŽITŇANSKÁ (ECR, SK)

Read the letter ASTRA sent to Ms Blinkeviciute HERE.

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