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Advocacy possibility – impact of fundamentalism and extremism on the cultural rights of women


The United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Karima Bennoune, is inviting all relevant stakeholders to contribute to a consultation on the impact of fundamentalism and extremism on the cultural rights of women.

In her last report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights presented an overview of the impact of diverse forms of fundamentalism and extremism on the enjoyment of cultural rights (A/HRC/34/56). She also indicated her intention to study this issue further for her upcoming report to the General Assembly. This follow up report will focus on the impact of fundamentalism and extremism, as defined in A/HRC/34/56, on the cultural rights of women.

In order to assess the impact of fundamentalism and extremism on women’s enjoyment of cultural rights and challenges related to the rights of women to access, take part in and contribute to cultural life, and to contribute to and enjoy the arts and science, the Special Rapporteur has prepared a questionnaire and invited all States, United Nations agencies, academics and civil society organizations to send their contributions. She strongly encourages those making contributions to read her report A/HRC/34/56, as well as the report of the first mandate holder on the cultural rights of women (A/67/287). Where necessary, contributors should carefully explain the cultural rights impact of any issues they report on.

Details can be found in the link HERE, deadline for submissions is May 19th.

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