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Abortion Worldwide: 20 Years of Reform and World’s Abortion Laws poster


An updated version of the World’s Abortion Laws poster, one of the Center for Reproductive Rights’ signature publications and a powerful tool to visually compare the legal status of abortion across the globe and advocate for greater change is now available. The abortion map is being relaunched this year in commemoration of the 20 year anniversary of the adoption of the International Conference on Population and Development’s (ICPD) Programme of Action. Please also visit our interactive version of The World’s Abortion Laws map, available at www.worldabortionlaws.com. This innovative resource makes the abortion laws of more than 50 key countries easily available online, and provides links to helpful advocacy tools for abortion law reform and more information about the Center’s work on the implementation and reform of abortion laws.

In addition to the World’s Abortion Laws map another publication has been prepared – the Abortion Worldwide: 20 Years of Reform, a new publication tracking changes to abortion laws since ICPD. Since this important milestone, more than 30 countries have liberalized their abortion laws, vastly expanding women’s right to access safe and legal abortion services.

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