Groups Charge Croatia is Endangering Lives of its Young
People . On 10th October, a group of
advocacy organizations filed the first human rights legal challenge to a faith- based
sex-education program with roots in the United States. The Center for Reproductive Rights,
Interights, and Centre for Education and Counseling of Women (CESI) submitted the
complaint with the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) against Croatia for its
sponsorship of a gender-biased and medically inaccurate program. The groups argue that Croatia
is endangering the lives of its young people through misleading and inadequate sex
education and is therefore, in breach of its obligations under a major international human
rights treaty, the European Social Charter. Croatia has sponsored the extracurricular
sex-education program Teen STAR for a decade and is now seeking to mandate a nearly
identical program. Teen STAR (Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility)
draws on Catholic teachings, promoting abstinence at the expense of other viable
alternatives such as contraception. Its founder and international director, Dr. Hanna
Klaus is based in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Klaus says that Teen STAR has been awarded a U.S.
government PEPFAR grant. The complaint also calls on the Croatian government to train
teachers to deliver appropriate and good quality sex education and to set up an oversight
process to regulate, monitor and evaluate the school-based curriculum.
CRR http://www.reproductiverights.org/pr_07_1010CroatiaSexEd.html
Decline in abortion rates in
the region of Eastern Europe. According to the report recently released by the
Guttmacher Institute (GI), there is a considerable drop in the number of terminations of
pregnancy in Eastern Europe that significantly fuels the global decrease. Nevertheless,
the regional rates remain among one of highest in the world. The global rate dropped from
46 million abortions in 1995 annually to 42 millions in 2003. During this eight years, we
observe the following decline in the CEE region: from 90 terminations of pregnancy per
1000 women to 44, which accounts for almost 50% of improvement. The data presented in the
report is based on the research that GI carried out in cooperation with World Health
Organization (WHO). However, it needs to be emphasized that only official statistics were
taken into account, which makes the results questionable in the case of countries, in
which abortion is criminalized. For instance, in case of Poland, official statistics
indicate a ridiculous and beyond any shadow of a doubt unrealistic number of circa 150 –
200 terminations of pregnancy per year. At the same time, reliable NGOs estimate that the
real number of illegal and not always safe abortions in Poland might range from 80.000 to
200.000 annually.The most steep decline has been reported in case of Bulgaria. It amounts
to almost 50%. Slighter drops were observed in such countries as Croatia, Latvia or the Czech
Republic. The authors of the report ascribe the positive change to slowly increasing
accessibility and usage of contraception in the Eastern Europe. The lowest abortion rates
in the world are observed in western Europe, especially countries like the Netherlands, Belgium,
as well as Scandinavian countries where there are comprehensive and compulsory sexuality
education programmes incorporated into school curricula. Furthermore, those countries
subsidize a wide range of contraceptives. The abortion rate for western Europe amounts to
12 per 1000 women, while in USA it is 21 terminations per 1000 women.
Source: Washington Times 19/10/2007
ALBANIA: The situation of Roma population,
especially Roma women worsens. The Roma population amounts to 95 thousand in Albania
and is reaching about 9 million in the CEE region. As statistics indicate, the situation
of this ethnic group has significantly deteriorated in Albania since the collapse of
communism in 1991. Discrimination of Roma women is especially harmful. Child marriages and
early motherhood have been always been inscribed in the Roma tradition but apparently
nowadays the situation has worsened for young Roma women and girls. The average age of
marriage has dropped considerably since the communist era and amounts to 15 year of age
now. The average for non-Roma Albanian women is 23, and 18 for Roma men. Furthermore, the
average age of Roma women at the time of the first childbirth has fallen too. It dropped
from 19 before the year 1991 to less than 17 now. For Roma men it amounts to 21. Child
marriage and early childbirth have a great impact on Roma women’s status in the society,
and especially their access to education. The statistics here are equally alarming.
According to the World Bank, the number of Roma children who have never attended school
has drastically increased. This is the case for 57 percent of Roma women and 48 percent of
men. The average number of years of education has also dropped for Roma women after Albania
entered its transitional period from communism into democracy. It used to be 6.2 but has
fallen to less than 4 now. Another area of discrimination against Roma women is in access
to health care, including sexual and reproductive services. It is estimated that the rates
of maternal and infant mortality are significantly higher among Roma than non-Roma
Albanian society although there are no official statistics on that.
CCMC PUSH Journal 17/08/2007
CZECH REPUBLIC: Unprecedented
case – Woman files charges against hospital claiming it botched her sterilization.
Woman underwent voluntary sterilization three years ago. She was a mother of two
children and did not plan to have any more in her life. Thus, she and her partner decided
that sterilization is the method of family planning that suits them best. Based in central
Bohemia, Kutna Hora hospital, performed sterilization on the woman on her request. Shortly
after the procedure the client got pregnant again and gave birth to a third, unplanned
child. Now she accuses the doctors of botched sterilization. This is the first such case
in the Czech Republic, where the majority of lawsuits concerned forced sterilization
performed without women’s consent. The accusation is based on the right to privacy that
is believed to be violated in that case, that is incorporated into Czech Constitution,
namely in the Charter of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The defense line of doctors
refers to the same Charter of Constitution pointing at the child’s right to life and
protection that is even entitled in the prenatal period.
Source: CCMC PUSH Journal 05/09/2007
ITALY: Considers
criminalization of prostitution The Italian interior minister, Giulio Amato,
declared to Senate that the country requires ban on prostitution – that stays in stark
contrast with the Council of Europe recently developed recommendations. He believes that
the prohibition should have the form of penalizing clients. Furthermore, Amato proposed
that the clients should be publicly shamed by sending official notifications to their
families if they are caught red-handed. The initiative has been welcomed by the Vatican’s
department on migrant issues (Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and
Itinerant People) that recently released a document urging all nations to end prostitution
which is, as the Vatican claims, a form of modern slavery regardless of whether it is
believed to be voluntary or forced.
The pontifical document can be accessed at: http://www.catholicculture.org/library/view.cfm?recnum=6529
Source: WUNRN 16/10/2007
HIV transmission constantly on the rise. Kazakhstan Statistics Agency announced that
the number of newly reported HIV cases has increased in the first six months of the year 2007
in comparison with last year’s statistics. Official data reflects a total growth from
958 to 1165 cases. It is presumed that reported growth in infection rates is linked to
contaminated blood transfusions that mostly affected children. The increase of the
reported new HIV cases in this group exceeded 50% (from 40 cases in July 2006 to 66 cases
one year later).
Kaiser 21/09/2007
LITHUANIA: Turmoil around
LGBTQI annual conference This year ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay
Association) Europe meeting in Vilnius has been accompanied by a number of incidents
provoked by the opponents of LGBTQI rights. ILGA Europe, which is a Brussels based
organization, managed to unite 200 advocates from a wide variety of countries and
backgrounds in Vilnius for one week-long event. Among other activities, a rally in the
city was planned which was unfortunately prohibited by the mayor of Vilnius due to, as he
claims, safety concerns. No alternative venue has been proposed for gathering and the
organizers believe that Vilnius authorities just revealed institutional homophobia.
Furthermore, ILGA’s conference participants were attacked with smoke bombs when sitting
in the local bar. Immediate evacuation was not possible again because of security
concerns. It is also important to highlight, that currently the Lithuanian parliament, the
Sejmas, is discussing introduction of the law that will ban “homosexuality
BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7063132.stm
POLAND: Teenage illegal abortion ends up with imprisonment of the doctor The gynecologist who allegedly performed an abortion
on a 16 year-old girl has been arrested and can be sentenced to prison for up to 3 years.
Media report that the pregnant teenager was persuaded by her mother to undergo abortion.
The girl’s boyfriend did not accept the decision and notified the police about the
incident. During the interrogation, the 43-year old mother of the teenager confirmed to
have paid for the termination of pregnancy the amount of approximately EUR 550. The public
prosecutor’s office is being very repressive against the woman. It applied police
supervision and property warranty to her. The woman might be also charged with complicity
and imprisoned for up to 3 years since abortion is criminalized in Poland.
Source: http://www.tvn24.pl/; 15/10/2007
FEDERATION: Sexual abuse of children a huge issue for the country.
Russia appears to be one of the major producers of
child pornography in the world. Other cases of sexual exploitation of children are also
burning problems including forced child prostitution and trafficking of minors. According
to the Russian National Consultation on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children,
the post-Soviet country experiences an unprecedented rise of child abuse. In some regions
of the country (especially St. Petersburg and northwestern Russia), sex tourism is
flourishing. Sex services are aimed at neighboring Scandinavian countries and widely
advertised on the internet. They include child pornographic publications and films, as
well as prostitution. It needs to be highlighted that especially minors from the most
disadvantaged groups are recruited by the sex business, which marginalizes and victimizes
them even more. Most of them are migrants to big cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg
coming from provinces or previous Soviet republics. There is a common misconception among
the clients of child prostitution that sex with children is safe in terms of HIV
transmission, which makes minors more vulnerable for contracting the virus. As far as trafficking of children from Russia is
concerned, it is believed that the Middle East is a major region of destination. Russia
has ratified a number of international documents, including the UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, but unfortunately, combatting the problem of sexual exploitation of
children is not adequately prioritized on the country’s agenda. No national plan of
action to counter this drama has been developed.
read more on the topic go to: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/08/09/006.html
Source: WUNRN 16/08/2007
SLOVAKIA: Conscience
Clause Affairs Last month, the Slovakian Minister of Health declared that he
was considering the amendment of the “conscientious objection” law, which allows
medical professionals to refuse to perform certain services if they find them conflicting
with their religious beliefs. The Conscience Clause is mostly exercised in cases of
termination of pregnancy, in vitro fertilization or sterilization. The Minister’s
proposal to abolish this law coincided with Pope Benedict XVI calls upon Slovakia to
ratify a treaty that would enable the citizens to reject to perform any act that stays in
conflict with Christian values. Experts say that the ratification of the act would open
the possibility of refusing such diverse activities as teaching evolutionary theory in
schools or working on Sundays. It is claimed that this kind of treaty favours the
Christian majority in the country and does not promote the values of equality and
tolerance. The Minister has eventually dropped the idea of abolishing the objection of
conscience and decided to maintain the existing law. The Roman Catholic Church officials
welcomed this decision, but did not give up the struggles to further strengthen this
Source: Kaiser 17/09/2007, 20/09/2007
Reporting from London: Women’s sexual and
reproductive health and rights on the agenda Invest in Women…it pays! Over 1500 delegates, including ministers of
health, leading experts, donors, and service providers came together in London from 18-20
October to address the worldwide crisis of maternal mortality. Plenary sessions
featured many prominent figures, such as Douglas Alexander, UK, Secretary of State for
International Development, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro of Tanzania, Deputy Secretary-General of
the United Nations, Mary Robinson of Ireland, Women Deliver Honorary Chair, President of
Realizing Rights, former President of Ireland, and former United Nations Commissioner for
human rights, Dr. Fred Sai of Ghana, Advisor to the President of Ghana on Population,
Reproductive Health, and HIV/AIDS, Geeta Rao Gupta, President of the International Center
for Research on Women (ICRW), based in Washington, D.C., Dr. Margaret Chan of the
People’s Republic of China, Director-General of the World Health Organization, and Dr.
Richard Horton of England, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet. The conference was an
international call to awareness, marking the twentieth anniversary of the Safe Motherhood
Initiative. Over 300 speakers came to share knowledge, expertise, and personal
stories. The conference was also a springboard for the launching of many new
initiatives and collaborations. Closed meetings for ministerial delegations
gave high level officials a productive space to discuss governmental strategies for
meeting the MDGs and reducing maternal mortality. The conference also spurred many
donors to announce huge increases in funding to maternal health efforts, notably including
L100 million from the UK (given to UNFPA) and L11 million from the MacArthur Foundation
(for Pathfinder programmes in India and Nigeria). Please visit http://www.womendeliver.org/ for more information,
online resources, and press releases.
Just days after Women
Deliver, Marie Stopes International hosted the first ever Global Safe Abortion Conference,
also held in London. 700+ participants
gathered at this monumental event, confronting both international and national issues associated with
abortion, focusing on rights, access, advocacy and funding, marking the 40th
anniversary of the UK’s 1947 Abortion Act. Politicians,
advocates, lawyers, doctors, journalists, and many many others took a stand to fight for
access to safe abortions to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of women who die each
year due to complications from unsafe abortion. The
conference was an incredible success, gathering much positive attention from both the
media and politicians, as well as providing activists a forum for strategic planning,
forming partnerships, and learning about new and innovative technical subjects.
Speakers included Liz Maguire, President, Ipas, Dr Akinrinola Bankole,
Director of International Research, Guttmacher Institute, Bert Koenders, Minister for
Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jon O’Brien, President,
Catholics for a Free Choice, Lord David Steel, Architect of 1967 Abortion Act, Christine
McCafferty MP, Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and
Reproductive Health, Barbara Hewson, Celebrated Abortion Rights and Ethics Barrister, and
Prof. Malcolm Potts, Population and Family Planning, University of California, Berkeley. Wanda Nowicka played a prominent role at this
conference, leading several panels and participating in many key discussions. ASTRA board
member Daniela Draghici (Romania) and member Rodica Comendant also participated as
panellists. Please visit http://www.globalsafeabortion.org/ for more
by Reilly
Anne Dempsey
Council of Europe: Convention on Action to Combat
Trafficking in Human Beings enters into force on 1st February 2008.
It must be preceded by ratifications in at least 10 countries, the last one will be Cyprus.
During the General Assembly, it has been urged that all Member States ratified the
Convention as soon as possible in order to make it an effective, far-reaching legal
instrument. It is also highlighted that the Convention is open for non-European countries
and aims to have global scope. The main features of it include: compulsory assistance
measures and a recovery and reflection period of at least 30 days for the victims of
trafficking, the possibility to deliver residence permits to victims not only on the basis
of cooperation with law enforcement authorities, but also on humanitarian grounds; the
possibility to criminalize “the clients”; a non-punishment clause for the victims of
trafficking; and finally a strengthened international cooperation system and an
independent monitoring mechanism, GRETA, which will monitor the proper implementation of
the Convention by the Parties. During the General Assembly, it has been also highlighted
that trafficking is often linked to forced prostitution. In order to combat this hot
issue, the Council of Europe recommends that member states ban child prostitution under
their national laws and refrain from criminalizing voluntary prostitution.
Full information on the Convention is
available at: http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/Commun/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=197&CM=8&DF=&CL=ENG
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of countries. The UPR mechanism is a new innovation in the UN
human rights system, under which each UN member state will be reviewed periodically - at
this stage every 4 years - on its human rights record. 48 countries will be reviewed each
year, starting in 2008. The review will be carried out by a working group composed of
members of the HRC that will meet three times per year for two weeks and will be
facilitated by groups of three States members of the HRC which will act as Rapporteurs
appointed by the HRC. First UPR Countries are: Bahrain, Ecuador, Tunisia, Morocco, Indonesia,
Finland, United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Philippines, Algeria, Poland, Netherlands, South
Africa, Czech Republic and Argentina.
are encouraged to submit their reports to UPRsubmissions@ohchr.org. The
deadline for the submissions is 20th of November 2007. The reports should not
exceed 5 pages.
instructions on reports is available at: http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/upr/noteNGO_041007.htm
52nd session of The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to be held in New
York, USA from 25 February to 7 March 2008 The Commission will focus on the
thematic issue of 'Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women'. The online
registration to participate will be open until Friday, 28 December 2007.
More information is available at: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw.
The 4th World Youth Congress, Quebec, Canada, 10-21 August 2008 The
4th World Youth Congress will bring 600 of the world's most dynamic young activists in the
field of sustainable development to Quebec from 120 different countries. The congress
offers a unique opportunity to meet and work alongside young people who are really doing
things and going places. This event sets a new standard for international youth events,
and will be the largest and most inspirational gathering of its kind for young people
taking place anywhere in the world in 2008. Delegates
will join forces with young Canadians to undertake hands-on community action projects
across Quebec, and will help shape international policy by documenting and showing
governments what young people are doing to achieve the MDGs. The first World Youth Congress coined the term,
Youth-led Development. Each subsequent Congress has worked to mainstream YLD in the
development community. It is the only International Youth Gathering to focus on this
For more information visit: http://www.wyc2008.qc.ca/index.php?rand=1765684279
Lesbian Lives conference entitled 'Writing Lesbian Culture:
Theories and Praxis’, to be held in Dublin, Ireland, 15-16 February 2008 at the
University College Confirmed
speakers this year include Kate Bornstein and Barbara Carrellas. The organizers announced
a call for papers which can be submitted to Dr. Mary McAuliffe, Leslie Sherlock, Kate
Antosik Parsons.
To visit the
website of the University College go to: www.ucd.ie/werrc
Conference on Reproductive Health in Emergencies to be held in
Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda on 18-20 June 2008 The conference will bring together a wide range of
actors from the fields of RH in emergencies, reproductive health, humanitarian assistance
and development to contribute to the expansion of comprehensive RH services in crisis
settings. We invite you to participate in this important dialogue and help to ensure that
refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) receive the comprehensive RH care to
which they are entitled. The abstract submission deadline passes on 31st of January 2008.
information is available at: http://www.raiseinitiative.org/conference/
LOVA International Conference on Ethnographies of Gender and
Globalization to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3-4 July 2008 With this conference LOVA wishes to create a forum for
anthropologists, social scientists and other experts who study the interweaving of gender
and globalization from an ethnographical perspective. How do women and men understand
globalization and how do they experience globalization processes in their everyday lives?
What are the challenges they face and what opportunities open up to them? How does
globalization confirm and reconstruct existing gender and other social inequalities? Does
it have a potential for the empowerment of women and men and their social mobility or not?
How does globalization influence constructions of femininity and masculinity and how do
these constructions in turn give direction to processes of globalization? LOVA invites
social science scholars to participate in this international conference by presenting
their research in an individual paper or panel. We particularly encourage participants to
submit audio-visuals and other alternative ways of presenting their research. Participants
may register through sending individual paper or panel proposals to http://us.f371.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=LOVAnetwork@hotmail.com
before February 1, 2008. A number of papers will be selected for publication.
Reproductive rights in Poland - results of the anti-abortion law Polish Federation for Women and Family
Planning has released a new report which depicts the SRHR situation in Poland. The
publication is the outcome of the larger monitoring project financed by the European
Commission. The main findings of the report preceded by comprehensive research indicate
that the existing anti-abortion law is much more strict de jure than de facto. Abortion
tourism (mostly to neigbouring Germany and the Czech Republic) and underground are well
developed and illegal abortion services easily available. The study shows that there is
rising interest in pharmacological abortion among women seeking clandestine abortion.
The report is available in Polish and can be
downloaded from: http://www.federa.org.pl/monitoring/federa_raport.PDF
New IPAS publication: Europe
region evidence-based clinical update No. 1: Emergency contraception This four-page brochure discusses the basic
facts about emergency contraception for clinicians in Europe. Topics of discussion include
emergency contraception’s effectiveness, how and when it should be used, emergency
contraception’s potential side effects and its availability throughout Europe.
Available online at: http://www.ipas.org/Publications/asset_upload_file433_3149.pdf
A measure of survival: Calculating Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Risk A report released in London on October 18 by
Population Action International in conjunction with the global women’s health conference
“Women Deliver” ranks 130 countries worldwide according to sexual and reproductive
risk—illustrating the harsh reality of being a poor woman in a poor country. It
documents the continuing stark disparities in reproductive risk between wealthy countries
and poor ones. Niger, Chad, Mali, Yemen and Ethiopia are among the countries where
women are at the highest sexual and reproductive health risk.
The ranking of countries is available at: http://www.populationaction.org/Publications/Reports/Measure_of_Survival/rri.shtml
publication can be downloaded from: http://www.populationaction.org/Publications/Reports/Measure_of_Survival/Summary.shtml